Grigoryan Law was founded in 2015 to represent people whose lives were affected by accidents

and injuries, both in the workplace setting and outside of work.

The firm’s overarching approach is to vigorously fight for the fair representation of the accident victims’ rights, seeking the maximum compensation for the injuries sustained.

Personal injury and workers’ compensation cases can at times be lengthy and challenging and need the skills and experience to attain the proper outcome, whether it be through negotiation or litigation. In addition, the injuries sustained by clients can be devastating, emotionally, physically, as well as financially. However, with the vigorous work of this team, the clients receive the best outcome possible for each case.

At Grigoryan Law, our clients are assured they are never alone in their damages’ recovery process. We guide and inform them every step of the way throughout the adjudication of their cases. We always focus our attention on the proper assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of the injuries, to assure the most optimal recovery.

Areas of Practice

  • Workers' Compensation

    Nikki has worked in the defense world and knows the measures insurance companies and employers will take to minimize the claim payout to the injured party.

  • Personal Injury

    People who survive accidents in which they sustain severe injuries through no fault of their own often accumulate medical bills and other expenses that they cannot afford.

  • Estate Planning

    A carefully conceived estate plan can be one of the most important things to plan for you and your loved ones. Nikki assists with estates that vary from large to small.

  • L.A. County Pollution Mass Tort

    If you’re experiencing adverse effects from the landfill’s odors, we are prepared to advocate for your rights and pursue rightful compensation.

Millions recovered for our clients

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While this website provides general information, it does not constitute legal advice. The best way to get guidance on your specific legal issue is to contact a lawyer. To schedule a meeting with an attorney, please call or complete the intake form below.